I think art became interested in me and I had to conform to this reality. I have questioned my surroundings and the essence of being since I was a very young child. I guess I found in art the right platform from which to share my views on life and try to make people see things in a dif- ferent way. Today, my life is about my art and my art is totally about life.
It's wrongly perceived that art is created for aesthetic pur- poses only. Living in a complex world, art can also be used as a critique of political and social systems. Because it’s a ’language‘, but of a special kind, politicians often ignore the function of art or feel completely provoked by its power to influence people’s perception.
I create artworks that engage the mind of the viewer, rath- er than his or her emotions. Many of my artworks tackle the concept of exile and alienation in different ways. I know exactly what walls mean and how they disturb daily routine life functions and thoughts. I have always tried to defy mental walls. Now physical walls also exist.
The Holy Land has been occupied by many nations. Many of them left landmarks that people valued over time. By my work on the wall I might not be able to liberate Jerusa- lem or Palestine, but I was hoping that my images would work on the sub-consciousness of the Israelis. They were my target audience.
There are many artists who believe that art on the wall will beautify it. I can hardly imagine that anyone can find anything beautiful about this wall. Hence, through my art, I wanted the spectator to question its need and existence. Do we really need walls to solve our problems? Hopefully some people will have realized that the source was the occupation and consequent control of the life of millions of Palestinians.
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